‘A man grow up when he start to fall and get up from the very bottom.’- Fiorenzo C.

Labas to all ,

My name is Fiorenzo Caldarola, I am a young man of 26 years old from the South of Italy, City of Bari. I wanted to start this project of European Solidarity Corps as a kind of challenge to myself, since I was aware of the weather situation of the place where I was supposed to land, (very different from the Mediterranean temperature of the place where I live), but also to give a help to young people with fewer opportunities with whom I partly identify.
I started my journey to Lithuania on Saturday 11, 2023, leaving for four days on a Flix bus, travelling from southern Italy to Munich, from Munich to Berlin and from Berlin to Warsaw and then to the capital Vilnius.
In detail, I began to think seriously about pursuing this opportunity in Lithuania, after a period of about nine months where I developed a melancholic depressive feeling and underwent a change in lifestyle and habit as slowly I eradicated bad habits and replaced them with opposite, healthy choices.
During this period, none of my family members (apart from my mother and my two dogs) were there for me, so it was really a dark period (or one of many).As the son of a rival father who was often out of the country for work reasons and the victim of a mother hen, my situation was clearly the incipit of a Kafkaesque novel.
I managed on my own strength, and perhaps with the help of a divine spirit, to get into that theatre we call life. I woke up very early every morning, exercised regularly and cleaned my living space regularly.
I also eliminated various distractions and focused this period of my existence on three main principles: motivation, discipline and resilience.
Initially, I realized that my country (even before I was aware of it), was cramping me and I needed to leave it, so I thought I would head for Sweden where a friend was.
As fate would have it, my acquaintance could no longer accommodate me because he had to make a relatively large move. So I quickly decided to apply for one of the many ESC projects, which allow you to do voluntary work in various social spheres and get board and lodging from European funds.
I considered Lithuania, as the climate was harsh and the bus journey long, it would have been a tough challenge and I was sure to complete it.
The fact that I had been the black sheep of the family and consequently had suffered many negative events led me to constantly think of some sort of redemption and revenge, both personal and collective, against acquaintances and family members who would not bet a penny on me.